Author: Helen Garner
Publisher: Text Publishing
Pages: 253
Genre: Fiction | Literary
(3)4z(BHelen Garner has kept a diary for almost all of her life. But until now, those exercise books filled with her thoughts, observations, frustrations and joys had been locked away, out of bounds, in a laundry cupboard. Finally, Garner has opened her diaries and invited readers into the world behind her novels and works of non-fiction. Yellow Notebook: Diaries Volume 1 spans a decade beginning in the late 1970s just after the publication of her first novel, Monkey Grip. With their frankness, humour and steel-sharp wit, these accounts of everyday happenings provide an intimate insight into the life of one of Australia’s greatest writers.(3)4y--(BDust jacket gate fold.
ISBN: 9781922268143