Artist / Author Booking
APPLY: By sending the following to vibes@undercurrent.nz
Links to a live video
A description of your act in one paragraph, and also a 2 line description for the poster etc
A good photo of your act performing or at least with your instruments
Links to your social media page[s]
Your video needs to be of you live and, in our opinion, good quality, clear, engaging and show what our audience can expect to see on stage. If we think you would be a good fit for the Undercurrent then we go to the next steps.
Information and steps for your performance
SOUND: We have a small PA system with eight channels, two condenser mics and one directional mic, and no DIs. We find this is sufficient for our small space. If you need more than that please bring it with you.
SEATING: Our venue seats between 50 seated and up to 60 with some standing.
HOSTING: We can MC the event, serve/sell wine and food, set up, and clean up - we may ask for some help with this.
TICKETING: Bookings can be made by using the RSVP button on our website and then pay at the door on the night of the gig. Being a small venue we cannot do free entries of friends and family but we can allow your nominated people to attend at 40% of the price and that money would go to the Undercurrent.
CANCELLATION POLICY: If there are under 10 RSVPs by 2 nights before your show we will get in touch to discuss whether or not to go through with the show. We reserve the right to cancel if we are not confident about door sales.
$$$$$: Expenses such as printing will be covered from the event income first ($30 - 40). Unless otherwise arranged, the feature artist receives 60% of the net door take.
POSTER: We will make your poster 2-4 weeks prior to your event, using the photo you have already sent us in step 1, and your 2 line description.
If you want to make your own poster you MUST let us know and ….
Send us a draft 4 weeks prior to your show. Your poster needs to look good [to us]. This means it should not clash with our colour range too much [look at our website for clues]. It needs to include our logo and:
“Presented by the Undercurrent,
Date….., Doors open at ….pm, price, to book RSVP on Undercurrent website, pay at the door
Food and drink available,
118 Tory street”
A poster boarder and our logo can be downloaded from here:
TIMING: Arrive around 4-6pm for set up. The opening act if there is one, usually plays from 7.30 – 8.pm, followed by a break. At about 8.30 the feature act will play. Variations from this can be arranged.
PUBLICITY: We will share your poster on our social media channels, and make a FB, UTR and Eventfinda listing. We may also list in the local newspaper and, if time allows we may post limited copies of your poster in the local area and include a short article in our monthly newsletter. You will be expected to publicise the event to your networks and put up posters around town if you are in Wellington.
INVOICE. You will need to give us an invoice on the night after your pay amount becomes known [we can have this prepared for you] and we will pay into ONE account you give us, within a week. That person will be responsible for paying out the other performers. Variations of this by arrangement.
PARKING: We have a space at the Tory St side of the building for one vehicle, and 2 others can park at Brendan Motors across the road after they close.