Author: Noel Virtue
Publisher: Peter Owen
Format: Paperback
Pages: 182
Genre: Novel
This new novel by Noel Virtue is set in an isolated, jerry-built town in North Island, New Zealand - 'only a smudge of fly dirt on the map'. In true black comedy fashion, it seethes with mayhem and skulduggery.
When his parents leave Sandspit Crossing to seek their fortune, young Athol moves in with Magdalen Maidstone, a spinster librarian who rides a motor cycle. Her rejection of the amorous butcher, Mr Ritter, has dramatic consequences. Together the resourceful Miss Maidstone and her plucky protege, Athol, outwit the schemes of the evangelical Reverend Enoch Fulk.
Once again Noel Virtue has created a unique ambience for his wonderfully bizarre characters. He does so with gusto, humour and a captivating mesh of his native vernacular.
ISBN: 9780720609073