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Take-Off Pb

Take-Off Pb

Author: Daniele Del Giudice
Publisher: Harvill P.
Format: Paperback
Pages: 128
Genre: Novel
Take-off. Lifting ones shadow off the ground and later touching down, linking up once more with ones shadow. In between there is one mans understanding of what flying is a sort of magnifying glass of reality in which progress through the skies mirrors progress through ones life. Here are the cockpit controls, the link with the control tower, the sensitivity to contact with ones fellows. The waking mind observes, the unconscious mind dreams and all is about movement over the ground and through ones life. This is a brilliant, thought-provoking book, based on eight experiences of the author and of other pilots flying in different kinds of aircraft at different times in the history of aviation. Del Giudice exercises total control as narrator, avoiding easy lyricism and nostalgia in his evocation of the transcendence, beauty and fear involved in flying, telling his own stories and adopting the voices of others.
ISBN: 9781860462030
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